DAW Logo Digital Analog Works
software consulting
about DAW
About DAW
 DAW and it's founders have been in the electronics industry since 1988. Digital Analog WorX has been very successful at providing top notch hardware and software applications ranging from OEM sub systems to full turn-key products.


Some stuff we do:

Build and Sell High Quality PIC Microcontroller OEM Modules

Custom PIC Microcontroller Firmware

Computer Software Engineering

Sensor Integration

PCB and Circuit Design

Custom Video and Still Imaging Applications

Custom Image Processing

Custom DLL's

Custom DirectShow filters


Bar Code

Stepper Motor Driver


Control Systems

Online Shopping

Computer Consultant

DVR Systems

Servo Driver

Led Driver

Video Security Systems

Web Site Design

Some Hardware Interfaces:

National Instruments Frame Grabbers

Pyramid Technologies Bill Acceptors

Imperx Cameras

Jai Cameras

Imagenation's PXD1000

Camera Link


USB Cameras

Firewire Cameras

SLR Cameras

Serial and Parallel port

Email MAPI


Client - Server


DAW DAWorX - home security systems streaming video hidden camera spy camera security camera software consulting hidden camera video game development DVR recording sales software updates DVD recording discount digital camera home automation HDTV home entertainment PIC controllers motor controllers home theater DVR remote control robots servos sensor integration home speaker led drivers led controllers online shopping deals robotics computer shopping home computer systems video distrubution systems DVD surround sound robot automation night vision custom software custom hardware home video systems sale music downloads robot chicken consultant web site design stepper motor CD anti virus software custom code C++ MFC free shipping bar code color code zip code PIC PCB robot control
Copyright (c) 2011 Digital Analog WorX, LLC